Roseanne Barr’s Imago Dei-Denying Racism

Ted Williams III

Ted Williams III
June 14, 2018

The sitcom star’s tweet exposes the idolatrous instinct to elevate one’s own race.

Phil Miller
June 14, 2018

While I agree that racism is heinous, I do believe that saying that her comment was any worse or hateful than calling a woman the "c" word. It all stems from hate. Using this argument to make a case against racism is weak and a terrible comparison

June 14, 2018

Thank you for your courage in writing this piece.
We all must retain a zero-tolerance policy for this kind of behaviour. Even if we have to say again, and again, and again that this manner of speech is not acceptable in the 21st century.

Larry Davis
June 14, 2018

In my opinion, the most important sentence of the piece, from a Christian perspective, is the last one. I don’t agree that what Roseanne said is any worse than the sin of what the other’s said. We cannot know what is in someone’s heart, so we need to assume the best, and let God do the judging. We have all sinned, and it is a human weakness to try see ourselves as superior in some way, racial, intellectually, talent, place of birth, political opinion, etc. This does not excuse any of them, but some are unconsciously developed. The sinner should repent, and we should forgive. Neither is easy, but God is here to help, if asked. For some reason, I find it easier to forgive (not necessarily without repercussions to her) Roseanne. It seems that her prejudice could have been unconscious , while the others seem to have been driven by blatant, unforgiving hate. The comparisons were unnecessary to the goal of the article, which is best stated in the last sentence.

June 14, 2018

Amen, amen, amen.

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