Running is a terrible thing

Jordan J. Ballor

Shari Dragovich
February 29, 2012

Oh NO! Running isn't terrible - of course, this is coming from a marathoner : ). The running metaphors of Scripture speak deep to my soul. I've struggled long and hard in running; wrestled with life on my runs, been humbled beyond belief and found God's sweet personal love for me alone, through running.

Running isn't terrible - it just takes one step at at time.

I still like your post. Thanks for writing it!

February 29, 2012

Good on you Shari. From one marathoner to another.
I have often thought as I am running if Jesus ever ran. My guess he was a walker. When you are walking you have time to interact with those you meet. I have time for a hurried hello as I pass people as I run but often with a silent prayer. I love running and God gave me the gift to do it. I think He will understand.

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