Stephen King’s Finders Keepers and the place of great literature

Karen Swallow Prior

Karen Swallow Prior
September 24, 2015

Stephen King’s Finders Keepers reminds us that flesh-and-blood creations should always take precedence over art.

September 28, 2015

I remember a youth pastor once gently reminding me that people should never be sacrificed to programming, that the program is never more important than the person. I think the same goes for art and the artist.

Julie S
September 28, 2015

This is a great reminder, Karen. One of the exhilarating aspects of creating a work of art is that it will take on a certain life of its own once other people interact with it. The work of art, however timeless, will never gain the same status as an image-bearer of God, as the artist or any other human does.

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