The approaching scourge of virtual-reality porn
July 14, 2015
The arrival of virtual-reality pornography only further reveals how porn negates a Christian understanding of love and sexuality.
July 14, 2015
I remember being fascinated the first time I saw a martial artist in person. No matter how I attempted to attack him he simply used my own energy against me. Of course it was just a demonstration and there was no attempt to actually harm me, but it freaked me out good. A little knowledge of physics and physiology combined with lots of practice and suddenly I was powerless. This reminds me of that.
The scariest movies are the ones in which the enemy is our own good intentions or wants or desires. The marriage of modern tech and ancient lies that is contemporary porn is the scariest movie of all. Our God-made need for intimacy and community is being used against us by an enemy who constantly prowls, seeking whom he may destroy. The psychological and spiritual implications are horrifying.
Among many other things I have seen and heard about over the last few years, this story reminds me of the critical nature of real-life community and accountability. I just don't see how the journey of faith works any other way. Thanks for sharing this - though I really didn't want to know about it. Ugh.
July 15, 2015
Like JJT, I didn't really want to know about this either. I'm quite creeped-out by it, yet not at all surprised. I recently read a science fiction novel in which characters experienced interactive pornographic stories fed directly to their brains. Hearing that, I knew that somehow, lest the Lord returns, the scene in the novel was prophetic. Of course, these developments will further alienate healthy, real life relationships. I think we need to be careful with the idea that porn using males are hermits holing-up hiding from relationships. The scourge of porn is that most users are people fully engaged in relationship with significant others, spouses, parents, kids, and so on, and that porn literally poisons the mind and spirit of the user and excretes all over those relationships. They're keeping their porn use secret because of these relationships. Porn is another entirely preventable cultural disease that is killing society at its deepest roots; and this is just its latest mutation. Jesus Christ is the only answer to porn and addiction. Like Alex, I was an addicted user for almost two decades of my life, until quite miraculously, Christ empowered me to walk away cold turkey. When I'm tempted, I remember that miracle and I remember the relationships I live in and persevere.
July 15, 2015
I agree, Chris. I don't think porn necessarily precludes physical relationships. Rather, I think it becomes a substitute for what we get out of relationships.
There's a natural give and take to them because we all depend on each other. But when we satisfy those emotional needs with porn, we replace normal relationships with corrupt ones where we're in complete control and giving nothing. In essence, not loving.
This is the poison you're talking about: we begin to treat all relationships like this. Our love grows cold and we take and take from others without giving because we've conditioned ourselves to be self-gratifying. In this way, we're insular because we only live for ourselves completely cut off from the needs of others.
July 16, 2015
Why did that scene from Schwarzenegger's The 6th Day come to mind when you mentioned virtual reality porn?
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