The Grizzled and Being Our Brother’s Keeper
Christopher Hunt
March 19, 2019
March 19, 2019
By emphasizing small kindnesses over military triumph, the cooperative card game reminds us of our duty to share the love of Christ.
Jeff Carpenter
March 19, 2019
March 19, 2019
I don't know that I could "play" this game without tears---but still it is intriguing to consider as a role-play complement to teaching history, especially in the wake of Peter Jackson's "They Shall Not Grow Old."
Jeff Carpenter
March 19, 2019
March 19, 2019
. . . and then, after tending to comrades, gearing up for the next "mission"---to kill the bloody Hun! or in the poilus' case, le Boche. . . small steps, I guess, en route to loving one's enemies?
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