The Life-Giving Friendship of Beastie Boys Book

Aarik Danielsen

Aarik Danielsen
April 16, 2019

‘You too?’ How a hip-hop memoir evokes the camaraderie captured in C.S. Lewis’ The Four Loves.

March 29, 2021

Is it ok to listen to the beastie boyz if I am Christian? Please answer ASAP

Josh Larsen
TC Staff
April 5, 2021

Hi Mylie,

Thanks for your comment and question. This may not be the direct answer you want, but here at TC we don't pronounce whether a piece of pop culture is "OK" for Christians or not, as that can be a very nuanced discussion depending on the person asking, the nature of their faith, and the piece of pop culture itself. In short, while we greatly value discernment, we also recognize that the discerning process is complicated and varied. We'd invite you to consider the Beastie Boys' music alongside us, as in this post, while also practicing your own, honest, personal discernment (perhaps with the help of others who are close to you). If you find their music to be a stumbling block to your faith in some way, it's probably wiser to avoid it. If you find it to be instructive within the context of God's larger story of salvation, then it's probably worth a listen. Hopefully this helps a bit!

Josh Larsen,
TC editor

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