The relentlessly empowering rock of Dave Grohl's Foo Fighters

John J. Thompson

John J. Thompson
May 20, 2011

Foo Fighters, a rock band led by Dave Grohl, released their seventh record Wasting Light, which expertly blends rock guitar and gospel heart.

May 20, 2011

Dave Grohl seems to truly love sharing his music and has a bent toward authenticity. He come off as a pretty humble guy who is grateful for his good fortune. Grohl grew up Catholic and comparing "Walk" to 2000's "Goodbye Lament" does seem to indicate the openness of a seeker on a journey.

Josh Benton
May 20, 2011

Okay, I gotta go and get this albums

Sarah Hubbell
May 21, 2011

Dave Grohl and the Foos have long been my favorite band, Christian or secular. I've seen them live about a half dozen times and am NEVER disappointed. This album is absolutely masterful, which is amazing to me given how prolific they've been and how long they've been together now. Dave is a musical prodigy, no doubt. I sincerely hope you're right about what's going on in his heart, and I can only speculate that getting married and having two kids may have a lot to do with it.

May 21, 2011

Name another band generous enough to play the entire album live and give it away in HD on YouTube.

And to play in people's garages across the continent? For a band that doesn't need to work this hard anymore, their work ethic is unparalleled.

May 21, 2011

Had never really paid attention to the Foo Fighters before, but this definitely makes we want to give them a listen.

May 21, 2011

The whole theme of Waisting Light is hope and while some of the songs deal with darker subjects (I Should Have Known), the album as a whole is incredibly uplifting. Also, the way the album has been marketed is a testament to how much the Foos love their fans.
Thanks for the great article!

May 21, 2011

Well-said! Great review of a great band!

May 21, 2011

Great article about an incredible band

Jodi M.
May 22, 2011

Love these guys! Wish Dave would cut his bangs. Your review makes me wanna buy a turntable.

Matt Heerema
May 24, 2011

I have similar sentiments about Grohl's music.  I've even used their music as an example of how music speaks to me here:

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