True Detective and the true abyss
March 7, 2014
HBO's True Detective offers a fascinating - if disturbing - answer to this question: In a universe truly absent God, how can we live?
March 7, 2014
"And ultimately, the show is not about Reggie Ladoux or the Yellow King or a serial killer -- it's about a sickness despoiling something beautiful. Sin enters the garden."
There's a great article over at Huffington Post that mirrors a lot of your ideas here. Great analysis! I love this site
TC Staff
March 10, 2014
Thanks for sharing, Mark. Here's a link to that Huffington Post article you quote in case anyone's interested: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/maureen-ryan/true-detective-hbo_b_4847971.html
Josh, TC editor
March 10, 2014
[spoilers below]
So after all I wrote above, it turns out the show was ultimately about Cohle's movement from hard core nihilist to someone who dares believe there might be some good in this universe after all.
Here's the final scene along with a transcript. Absolutely beautiful.
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