Five Great TV Episodes for Advent
December 1, 2017
In lieu of the usual movies, here are a handful of TV episodes that capture Christmas longing.
December 1, 2017
Excellent suggestions here, Tamara. Since you mention M*A*S*H, there are two other especially poignant Christmas moments in that series for me, personally. I can't reference episode seasons or titles, but one involves the entire camp paying tribute to Fr. Mulcahey's generous spirit by singing a stirring a cappella round of the traditional setting of "Dona Nobis Pacem"--so moving, in no small part, because it's a prayer for peace in a war-torn place.
But the other moment that I never forget is one in which Maj. Winchester continues a family tradition of secretly gifting very fine chocolates to someone in need--in this case to the local orphanage, where the proprietor sells them on the black market for enough money to feed the children for many days. Klinger is the only one who happens to find out that Winchester isn't really the Scrooge he's assumed to be on this occasion, and there's a touching scene at the end where it's privately acknowledged--"when you give, don't let your right hand know what your left hand is doing."
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