Florence + The Machine: Looking for Hope in Confession

Sarah Welch-Larson

Sarah Welch-Larson
July 6, 2018

On her new album, the singer offers a more personal window into her thoughts on love and spirituality.

November 10, 2018

Grace is about her sister, literally named Grace. She ruined her birthday by doing LSD. And, Big God is about how she worships her lovers. She drags the world down with her to love them. The Christian part is really, really a stretch. Florence isn’t a Christian.

April 14, 2022

Florence will Grow with age Her Gift is from God

August 9, 2023

In response to Sarah: A lyricist as talented as Florence Welch doesn’t write in a one dimensional manner; her lyrics have multiple layers of meaning to them. This is evidenced in the lines “Grace, I know you carry us […] Grace, I don’t say it enough.” It may be her sister’s name, but she is playing off the Christian meaning as well.

She even has a cross tattooed on her hand. Her music is highly informed by Christianity, even before the album mentioned in this blog post.

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