Culture At Large
Join TC at the Festival of Faith and Writing
Calvin College’s Festival of Faith and Writing is one of those frustrating events that runs on a biennial schedule. I had such a great time at 2014’s gathering that it’s been far too long of a wait for 2016.
Another festival is finally here, however — April 14 to 16, to be exact — and I’m excited to once again attend on behalf of Think Christian. Some of our contributors will also be there (it’s always nice to catch up with Karen Swallow Prior in person), as will a host of accomplished speakers, including Zadie Smith, Christian Wiman, Nadia Bolz-Weber and Mallory Ortberg.
At the 2014 festival, I was able to lead one of its Circles — small-group gatherings where attendees can discuss a topic of shared interest. I’ll be doing that again this year with a Circle entitled, “What is Christian Film Criticism?” If you’re attending the fest and would like to join us, simply email me at jlarsen@crcna.org and I’ll add your name to the list.
If any or all of this sounds good but you haven’t registered yet, you can do so here. Don’t miss out. You don’t want to regret it for the next two years.
Topics: Culture At Large, Arts & Leisure, Books